Could you sponsor WordCamp Belfast 2018?

Does your company use WordPress? Could you join our fantastic list of sponsoring organisations that are helping to support WordCamp Belfast 2018?

We are seeking company sponsorship to support a very special WordCamp, the series of international meetings organised and attended by the WordPress community. This year, WordCamp Belfast 2018 is taking place on the weekend of the 15th anniversary of WordPress.

Sponsoring a WordCamp is a great way to directly interact with a wide range of web professionals including developers, designers and content writers from within the worldwide WordPress community.

Our sponsors are an important part of WordCamps. At Belfast 2018 we are keen to develop partnerships which will help us deliver not only the event, but also engagement with attendees in developing their understanding and enthusiasm of WordPress and its opportunities.

The three day WordCamp Belfast includes a Contributor event on 25 May 2018, followed by two days of talks, workshops and panel discussions, bringing together both enthusiasts and digital and content professionals on 26-27 May. It will take place at the city’s highly renowned Queen’s University.

“WordCamps are a great opportunity for companies that benefit
from a free and open source software like WordPress to
give back to the project that’s given them so much.
Many companies are built around WordPress.
A company that sponsors might have a lot of customers who love WordPress, other companies might just use WordPress,
love it, and want to give back.” – WordCamp Central

How can I find out more?

For details of the six sponsorship packages and remaining availability go to:

WP anniversary celebrations – join us in Belfast

WordPress will be 15th years old this May 27th, 2018!

On Sunday, May 27th, we’re planning a global event celebrating the WordPress 15th Anniversary with WordPress community groups around the world.

You are invited! Discover the delights of Northern Ireland and help us to celebrate 15 years of the WordPress community across the world.

Don’t forget to spread the word, let’s make this WordPress birthday memorable.

Learn and share knowledge, and meet with existing and new friends within the WordPress Community.

We are collecting messages and video clips of your favourite memory of being part of the WordPress community and to mark the 15th anniversary. We would like to include messages from other WordPressers in as many different cities and countries as possible.

Grab your ticket from the WordCamp