Realities of Contributing to Open Source (Lightning Talk)

Lightning Talk

The good, bad and the ugly of contributing to open source.

Ulrich has been contributing to open source for the last 6 years in different ways, from support to documentation to bug fixes, and organising events.

He will talk about how this has helped him but also about the challenges involved to contributing to open source.

Speaker: Ulrich Pogson

WordPress GDPR Compliance Project (Lightning Talk)

Lightning Talk

Heather will walk us through a basic overview of what the project is, what we’ve been working on, and what tools we’ve made. And what is in the planning to help make WordPress Compliant with the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).

Speaker: Heather Burns

The Power of Open Source. How WordPress Saved My Life! (Lightning Talk)

Lightning Talk

Open Source is an incredibly powerful concept that can be seen at the heart of progress and advancement in many spheres of life. The idea that people from every corner of the globe can come together to exchange ideas and build products that profoundly affect our lives is as crazy as it is exciting.

I’m fascinated by the fact that people who have never met can come together to form a community that produces software and/or hardware products like CMSs, cars, building equipment, AI appliances and apparel that help to enable whole swaths of people with limited financial, physical or other resources make meaningful contributions and improve their quality of life.

I talk briefly about the concept of Open source and specifically about how WordPress has played a significant part in taking this Nigerian university dropout around the world and exposing him to a community of the most incredible human beings at the forefront of democratising publishing and why Open Source should be near and dear to your heart.
Speaker: Luminus Olumide Alabi