Building Better Themes

In my talk I will cover a wide range of interesting WordPress API features. We will start with the basics like pulling dynamic content from pages and posts, moving onto using featured images and custom fields to a build a reusable banner as a chunk of php to call into our theme templates.

If any of that sounded worrying please remember I am not a PHP developer, WordPress just makes life easy for all of us if you know to to use it. We will also cover topics to give your end user move control like custom shortcodes, widgets areas, menus and author bios.

We will then dig into creating custom post types and advanced custom fields, all made easy with Toolset Types plugin. Then we will focus on how to pull post types into templates using wp-query.

Finally we will look at WordPress Customize features giving your end user control over all the content we have built so far as well as the colours, logo image and style of the site. This will wrap up into a dynamic theme with a user friendly interface… and there might even be some free DLC resources I have been working on.

Please remember I’m going to keep this talk in a language and terminology that everyone can understand, I am not a backend PHP robot, I’m an experienced developer and trainer. Hope you see you there WP Devs!

Speaker: Bill Gilmore

