Neil Hainsworth

Neil is a Belfast-based freelance designer and front-end developer, focusing on working with artists, dance and theatre companies.

He is also a performer with the comedy dance theatre company ponydance  which performs to audiences of 10 in parish halls to more than 10,000 in the Aviva Stadium, Dublin.

After going to the WordCamp Belfast 2016, he went onto attend WordCamp Dublin 2017, and was so inspired that he is now part of the organising team for WordCamp Belfast 2018.

Neil said: “My favourite thing about WordPress is that it’s FREE! No joke. It has helped me and my peers in the arts create and promote work to audiences worldwide. I am really enjoying being part of the community and the WordCamp Belfast organising team.”

You can find him on Twitter @_neilorangepeel.
@neilorangepeel –